Wednesday, September 29, 2010

In the Footsteps of Freud

Our latest submission takes us to the isle of Manhattan, and a brilliantly conceived psychology experiment.

Dr. Irene Mejailovic has spent years researching the effects of performance art, with a special emphasis on how it is received by unsuspecting passers-by (as opposed to the small section of the public who purposely attend gallery presentations of performance art). With the help of an ingenious data collection method, which involves ultra-high speed videography from hidden cameras for surreptitiously measuring physiological responses such as pupil dilation and degree to which the skin flushes, as well as an exhaustive 473 question survey administered to passers-by after the fact, she has advanced her field of study immeasurably. Among her many contributions, the most notable are her conclusions that: 1) When confronted with random incongruous stimuli on the streets of Manhattan, the top three most surprising things are bare breasts third, a troupe of Abe Vigoda impersonators second, and a high-speed video camera operated by a mime at the top, and 2)when confronted by bare breasts, a whopping 98% of people reported no ill effects whatsoever, with 82% reporting that they enjoyed the experience. Granted, this is something that we here at S.A.F.Y.B.F. have believed all along, but it is so rewarding to have the scientific evidence to back it up.

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